Plan a Visit to The Life Church!

When you arrive, our First Impressions team will greet you and your family with a smile!

In every service, we come together as a church of dynamic worship, lifting up Jesus with passion and unity.

Our Bible-based, life-changing preaching will inspire and challenge you to grow closer to Jesus.

The Life Church is located in North Dallas.

SUN 10:00 AM (Prayer)
SUN 10:30 AM (Service)
WED 7:00 PM (Service)
MON 6:30 PM (Prayer)
18610 Marsh Ln, Dallas, TX 75287

Frequently Asked Questions

10:00 am | Pre-service Prayer
10:30 am | Worship Service, Kids Life, Nursery

7:00 pm | Worship & Teaching, Youth, Kids Life

If you’re a first time guest, turn on your hazard lights once you get here and we’ll have a Parking Team member guide you to a VIP spot!

We’ve created a safe and dynamic service for your kids, 4-11 yrs. old, where they can worship and grow in their understanding of God! Upon arrival, children will be checked in and receive a name tag with a unique number. In case your child needs your immediate attention, the teacher will contact you through text messaging.

Students 6th through 12th grade are a part of our regular worship services on Sunday mornings in the Worship Center. You will see them serving from the parking lot to the platform because we believe in the youth!

Wednesday nights are held in the Youth Center Upstairs for junior high and high school students Wednesdays at 7:05PM. Parents our goal as a youth ministry is to come alongside you and partner with you in helping your student become more like Jesus!

We want you to feel comfortable. Whether that means jeans and a t-shirt, business casual or suit and tie, as long as you are actually wearing clothes, you will fit right in.

You can breathe easy, the answer is no! Your level of engagement is completely up to you. But if and when you’re ready to take a step, we’ll be ready! There’s a Connect Card that you can choose to fill it out in case you have questions, need prayer, or are interested in getting baptized, attending First Steps, or would like to be in the know for church-wide events and activities.
